Put Service By Id
Add a service if its not existing by creating an entry in the database. Update a service if its already existing by modifying the existing entry in the database.
ID of the service to be created or updated. It is the name associated with the service.
Service object that needs to be updated or created
"name": "pmhistory",
"version": "0.1.0",
"display_name": "PM Counter History",
"description": "An rApp producer for querying historical PM Counter data.",
"updated_at": 1632781620000000000,
"created_at": 1632781620000000000,
"service_type": "platform",
"service_href": "http://pmhistory:8080/v0alpha1",
"status": "REGISTERED"
Acts as the service ID.
The current version of the service.
The name as displayed for the service.
A summary description of the service.
Time at which the service was last updated. Times are nanoseconds since the unix epoch.
Time at which the service was created. Times are nanoseconds since the unix epoch.
The type of the service stating whether the service is a platform service or an rApp.
The href associated with the service.
The status of the service. Only services with their status set to REGISTERED will be listed. By default the registry will set the status of service being added to REGISTERED. Services that do not send periodic heartbeat updates will be marked as UNDISCOVERABLE.
Successfully updated the service
"heartbeat_timer": 0
The duration, in seconds, at which heartbeats should be sent.
Successfully created a new service
"heartbeat_timer": 0
The duration, in seconds, at which heartbeats should be sent.
The input does not have the correct form, a service cannot be created.
"type": "string",
"title": "string",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Required field 'counter_names' missing.",
"instance": "string"
A URI representing the type of the problem.
A short summary of the error.
The HTTP Response code associated with this error.
A detailed description of the error.
An optional URI of the instance involved in the problem.