Attach Machine Disk
Attach a disk to a machine.
The ID of the machine.
The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /iaas/api/about
Disk Specification instance
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"blockDeviceId": "1298765"
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
A human-friendly description.
The id of the existing block device
successful operation
"id": "9e49",
"createdAt": "2012-09-27",
"updatedAt": "2012-09-27",
"owner": "",
"organizationId": "deprecated",
"orgId": "9e49",
"name": "my-name",
"description": "my-description",
"externalId": "i-cfe4-e241-e53b-756a9a2e25d2",
"projectId": "9e49",
"externalZoneId": "us-east-1a",
"externalRegionId": "us-east-1",
"cloudAccountIds": [
"capacityInGB": 10,
"status": "ATTACHED",
"tags": [
"key": "string",
"value": "string"
The id of this resource instance
Date when the entity was created. The date is in ISO 6801 and UTC.
Date when the entity was last updated. The date is ISO 8601 and UTC.
Email of the user that owns the entity.
This field is deprecated. Use orgId instead. The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
HATEOAS of the entity
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
A human-friendly description.
External entity Id on the provider side.
The id of the project this entity belongs to.
The external zoneId of the resource.
The external regionId of the resource
Set of ids of the cloud accounts this entity belongs to.
Capacity of the block device in GB.
Status of the block device
A set of tag keys and optional values that were set on this resource instance.
Additional properties that may be used to extend the base type.
Invalid Request - bad data
Not Found